To all DTU staff,

As #Debre_Tabor_University is both a founding member institution (in 2020) and an active member (for 2023) of the #Africa_UniNet, we are glad to inform you that the #4th_Africa_UniNet_call for research cooperation projects is open from 1 September – 30 November 30, 2023.
Africa-UniNet funds international research cooperation projects with at least one Austrian and at least one African university, university of applied sciences, or research institution.
Please note that applications should be submitted via the Africa-UniNet representative, and therefore DTU staff can send proposals to president@dtu.edu.et.
We kindly ask you to distribute this information among your departments, units, and colleges at DTU to make them aware of it.
Detailed information on the 4th Africa-UniNet call including all necessary application documents, the selection process, and the reporting guidelines, can be found at: https://africa-uninet.at/en/activities/the-4th-call-2023