Mulugeta Dile Worke
Mulugeta Dile Worke (PhD) is an assistant professor of Public Health-Reproductive Health at Debre Tabor University. He got his Ph.D. in Public Health-Reproductive Health from Jimma University, Department of Population and Family Health, in 2022. He has been a department head of Midwifery and Nursing for a year and Department Head of Midwifery for nearly two years. He got his BSc in Midwifery and MSc in clinical Midwifery from the University of Gondar in July 2007 and March 2014, respectively. He served as a clinician and head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Debre Markos Hospital. He has been trained and provided training on comprehensive Family planning, Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, Comprehensive Abortion Care, Neonatal Resuscitation, Safe and Clean Delivery, newborn Care, Medical Induction for Second Trimester Abortion, Basic Information Technology Skills, Effective Teaching Skills, and Advanced Research and Grant Writing by different organizations to mention few of them. Besides these, He gave and coordinated training, such as Long-Acting F.P. and Basic Emergence obstetrics and newborn care in collaboration with the Integrated Family Health Program Ethiopia, Ipas Ethiopia, Ethiopian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Amhara Development Association, UNICEF, Ethiopian Midwives Association (EMwA), and JHPIEGO Ethiopia. Consequently, those organizations gave me letters of recognition. He is a reviewer for the Ethiopian Public Health Association, African Health Sciences, and other Journals. He is a chair of the Research Advisory Council (RAC) of EMwA and a member of the RAC of the Ministry of Health (MOH). He authored and co-authored over 29 articiles in international peer-reviewed journals, won three grants, and consulted for different projects. His PhD project on “Understanding and Measuring Forms, Factors Associated, and Consequences of Sexual Harassment among Women Working in Hospitality Industries” made him use an exploratory sequential mixed-method approach. In this project, he gained much experience in qualitative research methods, tool development and validation, multilevel research analysis, structural equation modeling, mixed-method studies, and systematic reviews with meta-analysis. Likewise, he has worked as a supervisor, data collector, and transcriber of qualitative research data facilitated by MERQ consultancy, BZY consultancy, JHPIEGO Ethiopia, EMwA, and MoH. He has skills in protocol development, analysis, report writing, and dissemination of qualitative and quantitative findings. He attended national and international workshops on reproductive health-related matters. Furthermore, He has skills in preparing and collecting quantitative data using the Kobo toolbox and qualitative data analysis and interpretation using ATLAS. Ti. and MAXQDA.
1. Four years’ experience as a BSC degree and department Head at ANC, F.P., PNC, labor delivery, PAC, and PMTCT unit in Debremarkos referral hospital
2. Four years’ experience as a Lecturer and head of the Department of Midwifery at Debre Tabor University
3. Train Implant & IUD insertion and removal for different Health professionals, including HEWs, organized by IFHP in collaboration with Amhara RHB.
4. Training on comprehensive abortion care service content for different health professionals, including HEWs, organized by Ipas Ethiopia in collaboration with Amhara RHB
5. Training on basic emergency obstetric care for midwives, nurses, and health officers was organized by the Amhara Development Association in collaboration with Amhara RHB.
6. Conducted and facilitated training and supportive supervision with Ipas Ethiopia
7. Participate in developing the new hybrid curriculum for Medicine, Midwifery, and neonatal nursing.
8. Gave practical teaching skill training to Debre Tabor University Health Science College staff.
9. Participated in a competency-based curriculum Development of the specialty nursing (Neonatal nursing, ICU nursing, and OR nursing) profession organized by FMOH and JAPIGO Ethiopia at Adama.
10. Did a clinical audit and training for health professionals organized by ESOG.
1) P.C. Diploma for completing “Introduction to Computer, MS Windows, MS Word, MS Excel, Ms. Access, and M.S. PowerPoint,” by Skynet Computer and Maintenance Training Center, May 01 to July 10, 2011, Debre Markos, Ethiopia.
2) Certificates of completion for training on Blueprint preparation, Item development, and OSCE training organized by the Midwifery department in Collaboration with EDC, College of Health Sciences, Debre Tabor University, Debre Tabor, Ethiopia from March 14-16/2023, Debre Tabor, Ethiopia.
3) Certificate of completion for the training of skills of successful publication organized by Ministry of Health and CIRHT Ethiopia, October 14-15/2019, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
4) Certificate of completion of the training on “Health Research Methods and Ethics,” organized by the Ethiopian Public Health Association (EPHA) with financial support from the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC), October 12 to 21, 2015, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.
5) Certificate of completion of the training on “Research Methods, Research Ethics, and Grant Writing” as a part of the iRIM research capacity building project, Conducted by Debre Tabor University, May 11 to 15, 2015, Debre Tabor Ethiopia.
6) Certificate of completion for “Training of Trainers (TOT) on safe and clean delivery care for health extension workers” organized by Federal Ministry of Health, May 12-17, 2008, Adama, Ethiopia.
7) Certificate of completion for “Training of Trainers (TOT) on Integrated Comprehensive Abortion Care & Contraceptive Services for University Instructors,” organized by Ipas Ethiopia, Federal Ministry of Health, and WHO, July 6 to 18, 2015, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
8) Certificate of completion for “Training of trainers (TOT) on Long-acting family planning methods,” organized by Ipas Ethiopia, December 13 to 18, 2010, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
9) Certificate of completion for “Training of facilitators (TOF) for effective Teaching skills” organized and implemented by Jhpiego, with funding from USAID Strengthening Human Resources for Health (HRH)Project, April 1 to 12. 2014, Executive Hotel, Adama, Ethiopia.
10) Certificate of completion for “IST Database Management” training organized by Federal Ministry of Health in collaboration with Tulane International Ethiopia, July 14-16, 2016, Alert Training Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
11) Certificate of completion for “Comprehensive Abortion Care content & Performance improvement,” jointly organized by Ipas-Ethiopia and Amhara Regional Health Bureau, February 25-March 7, 2008, Debre Markos, Ethiopia.
12) Certificate of Completion on “Comprehensive family planning methods in Amhara Region,” organized by Federal Ministry of Health, December 16-26, 2008, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.
13) Certificate of Completion on “Implant & IUCD insertion and removal” training organized by Pathfinder International-Ethiopia and Amhara Development Association in collaboration with the University of Gondar, July 8-18, 2007, Gondar, Ethiopia.
14) Certificate of Completion on “Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT)’ training organized by the International Training and Education Center on HIV (I-TECH Ethiopia) in collaboration with the Amhara Regional Health Bureau, February 9 to 14, 2009, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.
15) Certificate of Completion on “Skilled birth attendant course in neonatal resuscitation,” sponsored by Latter-Day Saint Charities, UNICEF, April 2009, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.
16) Certificate of Completion on “PMTCT Option B+ Update” training organized by Ethiopian Midwives Association (EMwA) in collaboration with FMoH and JHPIEGO with funding from USAID strengthening human resources for Health (S-HRH) project, September 17 to 20, 2014, Dessie, Ethiopia.
Consultancy Experiences
1. Conducted qualitative data collection, analysis, and write-up on the Evaluation of Meaningful Youth Participation (MYP) in Afar in the project intervention areas with Geresu Kinfemichael Consultancy firm hired by Amref Health Africa.
2. Conducted qualitative data collection, analysis, and write-up on the Evaluation of Passion-based professionals in Ethiopia by the Ethiopian Midwives Association.
3. Conducted qualitative data collection, analysis, and write-up on the Effectiveness of Catchment Based MNH Mentorship (CBM) intervention on improving provider knowledge and skill competence in Ethiopia in the Evaluation of the EMwA-USAID Transform PHC Catchment-based MNH mentoring intervention.
4. Conducted supervision and qualitative data collection, analysis, synthesis, and write-up in evaluating and improving the Marie Stops clinic services by communicating or gathering information and leading creative workshops with service users and HCWs that work in MSI organized by MERQ Consultancy PLC.
5. Involved in the “Integrated Youth Activity – Kefeta Project” as a consultant for specific roles and deliverables such as audio file transcription, word by word in English, and submitting final transcription to the responsible person organized by MERQ Consultancy PLC.
6. Involved in collecting data on Midwifery competency in the Amhara Region, which JAPIGO Ethiopia organized.
7. Conducted qualitative data collection, analysis, and write-up of the Success of the Ethiopian Midwives Association’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Intervention in Humanitarian Settings organized by the Ethiopian Midwives Association.
8. Conducted qualitative data collection, analysis, and write-up of the Effectiveness of Simulation-based Cesarean Section Education on Improving Non-physician Clinician Midwife’s Competency in Ethiopia: A quasi-experimental study organized by the Ethiopian Midwives Association.
9. Conducted supervision and qualitative data collection, transcription, and translation in Enhancing health workers productivity using Human Resources for Health Management Interventions: a quasi-experimental implementation research design.” Organized by JAPIGO Ethiopia Health Workforce Improvement Program (HWIP).
10. Supervise the household survey data collectors, collect qualitative data, and conduct transcription/translation for Baseline Assessment: Support to the Africa-Led Movement to End Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Ethiopia organized by BZY consultancy.
11. Conducted a risk analysis and report of the She Leads Program in Ethiopia organized by BZY consultancy PLC.
12. Involved in quantitative and qualitative data collection on the landscaping Health Research and Development ecosystem study conducted in Ethiopia by MERQ consultancy PLC.
13. Conducting the Blended Learning and Last-mile Delivery project with BZY Consultancy PLC.
Research Interest
• Maternal Health, Youth and Adolescent Health, Sexual Health, Child Health, Neonatal Health
1. Dile M, Abate T, Seyum T. Proportion of Maternal Near Misses and Associated Factors in Amhara Regional State, Northwest Ethiopia Referral Hospitals: Institution Based Cross-Sectional Study. MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, vol 25, no 4, December 2015, pp. 517-525 ISSN 0961-5555.
2. Dile M, Taddesse D, Gedefaw M, Asmamaw T (2015) Knowledge of Obstetric Danger Signs and its Associated Factors in Debaytilatgin District, Ethiopia: A Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study. Gynecol Obstet (Sunnyvale) 5: 315. doi:10.4172/2161-0932.1000315.
3. Worke MD, Bezabih LM, Woldetasdik MA. The utilization of contraception among sexually active HIV positive women attending art clinic at the University of Gondar Hospital: a hospital-based cross-sectional study. BMC Women’s Health. 2016 21 October;16(1):67.
4. Kassa LS, Dile WM, Zenebe GK, Berta AM. Precancerous lesions of the cervix among women infected with HIV in Referral Hospitals of Amhara Region, Northwest Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study. African Health Sciences. 2019;19(1):1695-704.
5. Dile M, Workie A, Seyum T, Demeke T. Utilization of obstetric analgesia in labor pain management and associated factors among obstetric caregivers in Amhara Regional State referral hospitals, northwest Ethiopia. Midirs Midwifery Digest. 2016 1 January;26(2):255-62.
6. Arega DT, Dile M. Prevalence of Goiter among Primary School Children in Debre Tabor Town, Northwest Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Mixed Study.
7. Ayalew Y, Mulat A, Dile M, Simegn A: Women’s knowledge and associated factors in preconception care in Adet, west Gojjam, northwest Ethiopia: a community-based cross-sectional study. Reproductive health. 2017 Dec;14(1):15.
8. Worke, MD, Enyew HD, and Dagnew, MM, 2019. The magnitude of near maternal-miss and the role of delays in Ethiopia: a hospital-based cross-sectional study. BMC research notes. 2019 Dec 1; 12(1):585.
9. Dile M, Demelash H, Meseret L, Abebe F, Adefris M, Goshu YA, Ayele AS, Liyeh TM. Determinants of obstructed labor among women attending intrapartum care in Amhara Region, Northwest Ethiopia: A hospital-based unmatched case-control study. Women’s Health. 2020 Aug; 16:1745506520949727.
10. Simegn A, Azale T, Addis A, Dile M, Ayalew Y, Minuye B. Youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health service utilization among high and preparatory school students in Debre Tabor town, Northwest Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study. PloS one. 2020 Sep 30;15(9): e0240033.
11. Worke, M.D., Koricha, Z.B. and Debelew, G.T., 2020. Prevalence of sexual violence in Ethiopian workplaces: systematic review and meta-analysis. Reproductive health, 17(1), pp.1-15.
12. Ayele AD, Belay HG, Kassa BG, Worke MD. Knowledge and utilization of preconception care and associated factors among women in Ethiopia: systematic review and meta-analysis. Reproductive health. 2021 Dec;18(1):1-5.
13. Worke MD, Koricha ZB, Debelew GT. Perception and experiences of sexual harassment among women working in hospitality workplaces of Bahir Dar city, Northwest Ethiopia: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health. 2021 Dec;21(1):1-8.
14. Worke MD, Koricha ZB, Debelew GT. Coping strategies and perceived barriers of women hospitality workplace employees to sexual harassment in Bahir Dar city, Ethiopia: a grounded theory approach. BMC Psychol. 2021 Sep 16;9(1):143. Doi: 10.1186/s40359-021-00648-w. PMID: 34530938; PMCID: PMC8444371.
15. Worke MD, Mekonnen AT, Limenh SK. Incidence and determinants of neonatal mortality in the first three days of delivery in north-western Ethiopia: a prospective cohort study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2021 Sep 23;21(1):647. Doi: 10.1186/s12884-021-04122-8. PMID: 34556077; PMCID: PMC8461935.
16. Kass, B.G., Ayele, A.D., Belay, H.G., Mihiretie, G.N. and Worke, M.D., 2021. Utilization of maternity waiting homes and associated factors in Ethiopia: Systematic reviews and meta-analysis. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health, p.100891.
17. Kassa BG, Ayele AD, Belay HG, Tefera AG, Tiruneh GA, Ayenew NT, Mihiretie GN, Tenaw LA, Semahegn AM, Worku MD. Postpartum intrauterine contraceptive device use and its associated factors in Ethiopia: systematic review and meta-analysis. Reprod Health. 2021 Nov 13;18(1):225. Doi: 10.1186/s12978-021-01273-x. PMID: 34774058.
18. Gebrehana H, Arage G, Degu A, Getnet B, Necho W, Dagnew E, Melkie A, Seid T, Bezie M, Nibret G, Dile M. Youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health services utilization and its determinants in Ethiopia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Heliyon. 2021 December 3: e08526.
19. Worke, M.D., Koricha, Z.B. & Debelew, G.T. Development and validation of contextual measures of sexual harassment perceptions, experiences, and coping for women employees in Ethiopian hospitality workplaces. Arch Public Health 80, 59 (2022).
20. Worke MD, Demelash H, Meseret L, Bezie M, Abebe F. Factors associated with sexual violence among waitresses working in Bahir Dar City, Ethiopia: a mixed-method study. BMC Women’s Health. 2022 Dec;22(1):1-6.
21. Worke MD, Koricha ZB, Debelew GT. Consequences of exposure to sexual harassment among women working in hospitality workplaces in Bahir Dar City, Ethiopia: a structural equation model. Archives of Public Health. 2023 Dec;81(1):1-6.
22. Belay HG, Debebe GA, Ayele AD, Kassa BG, Mihretie GN, Worke MD. Determinants of neonatal jaundice in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. World Journal of Pediatrics. 2022 Nov;18(11):725-33. 23. Belay HG, Debebe GA, Ayele AD, Kassa BG, Mihretie GN, Bezabih LM, Worke MD. Intimate partner violence during pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes in Ethiopia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS one. 2022 Dec 22;17(12): e0275836.
24. Mengstie MA, Worke MD, Chekol Abebe E, Dejenie T, Abdu Seid M, Azezew MT. Undernutrition and Associated Factors among Internally Displaced Lactating Mothers in Sekota Camps, Northern Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Nutrition.;10:222.
25. Mihretie GN, Ayele AD, Liyeh TM, Beyene FY, Kassa BG, Arega DT, Belay HG, Worke MD. Active management of the third stage of labor in Ethiopia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Plos one. 2023 Apr 20;18(4): e0281343.
26. Mihretie GN, Kassa BG, Ayele AD, Liyeh TM, Belay HG, Miskr AD, Minuye B, Azanaw MM, Worke MD. Transactional sex among women in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS one. 2023 Jun 8;18(6): e0286850.
27. Dadi TL, Abebo TA, Yeshitla A, Abera Y, Tadesse D, Tsegaye S, Gerbaba MJ, Worke MD, Tadesse D, Medhin G: Impact of quality improvement interventions on facility readiness, quality and uptake of maternal and child health services in developing regions of Ethiopia: a secondary analysis of program data. BMJ Open Quality 2023, 12(4):e002140.
28. Alemu FM, Yimer NB, Kasegn BB, Kassie BA, Ibrahim IY, Abdo AA, Worke MD. Effectiveness of simulation-based cesarean section education on improving non-physician clinician midwife’s competency in performing cesarean section in Ethiopia: a quasi-experimental study. BMC Medical Education. 2023 Dec;23(1):1-2.
29. Tewabe, D.S., Azage, M., Wubetu, G.Y. et al. Gender-based violence in the context of armed conflict in Northern Ethiopia. Confl Health 18, 1 (2024).
1. Worke MD., Koricha ZB. & Debelew GT. Sexual harassment and associated factors among women working in hospitality workplaces in Bahur Dar city, Ethiopia: A multilevel analysis (Archives of Sexual Behaviour)
2. Level of adherence to option B+ program for Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of Human Immune Virus (HIV) and associated factors among women in Ethiopia: A systematic review and meta-analysis (PloS One)
3. Effectiveness of Catchment-Based Mentorship of Maternal and Newborn Health Intervention on improving provider knowledge and Competence in Ethiopia: a quasi-experimental Study (BMC Medical Education)
4. Women’s decision-making autonomy on maternal health service utilization and associated factors in Ethiopia: systematic review and meta-analysis (PloS One)
5. Experience of Sexual and Reproductive Health Service Utilization among Jimma University Students: A Qualitative Study (Discover Mental Health)
6. Determinants of Early Resumption of Postpartum Sexual Intercourse in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review and meta-analysis (PLoS One)
7. Predictors of Perinatal Asphyxia in Ethiopia: An Updated Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis (BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth)
8. COVID-19 Related Barriers to Institutional Child-Birth During the Early Phase of the Pandemic in Rural Arsi Zone, Ethiopia, 2022: A Qualitative Study (Heliyon)
Other research-related contributions
• Examined MPH students at Bahir Dar University (three rounds), Woldia University (two rounds), Jimma University (two rounds), Haromia University (one round)
• Examined MSc Midwife students at the University of Gondar for more than three rounds
• Examined staff proposal of Woldia MPH staff together with my colleagues
• Serving as a reviewer for EPHA, African health sciences, BMC series journals, PloS One, BMJ Open, Sage Women’s Health, and a Research advisory committee member of EMwA.
Conference Presentations
• Participated in an international experience-sharing workshop in Ghana & presented my experience; after that, selected as a strong performer by Ipas Ethiopia in collaboration with the Ethiopian Midwives Association.
• Oral presentation of a paper on the annual symposium on reproductive health with the theme of “reproductive health care provision amid COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned and the way forward.”
• More than four presentations at EPHA conferences and two presentations during Saint Paul-organized SPHIR and ESOG annual conferences.
3. Grants
• Awarded a certificate for the successful income generation of 586 396.30 Birr together with other team members for research entitled “Assessment of sexual violence among waitresses in Bahir Dar City” by Debre Tabor University.
• Awarded a certificate for the successful income generation of 551, 336.80 Birr together with other team members for research entitled “Assessment of contraceptive demand and utilization among university female students in Amhara region” by Debre Tabor University.
• A grant on “Effectiveness of mobile-assisted birth Asphyxia anticipation to improve the execution of helping baby’s breath (HBB) Practice among birth attendants and neonatal outcome in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A randomized control study with an amount of 44,000 USD.
Technical skills and competencies
• Skills: Experience in proposal development, program management, leading diverse teams on program management including operations research, establishing a good working environment and relationships; excellent networking skills; and data management and advanced statistical analysis using statistical software like EXCEL, STATA, SPSS & ATLAS.ti, MAXQDA.
• Competencies: Integrity, respectfulness, commitment to a given mission, patience acquired through experience, shouldering multiple duties independently, meeting deadlines under pressure, proactive, accountable, and responsible, belief in ethics and professionalism, and good decision-making skills
1. Letter of appreciation for my strong commitment to transferring my knowledge and skill in Emergency obstetric care through the training organized by the Amhara Development Association (ADA).
2. Letter of appreciation for my significant contribution to working with the Integrated Family Health Program (IFHP) Amhara Regional Program Office, a USAID-funded program implemented by Pathfinder International and John Snow Inc.
3. Certificate of appreciation in recognition of my essential role in saving women’s lives and contributing to the well-being of their families by Ipas Ethiopia.
4. Certificate of appreciation for my strong commitment to transferring my knowledge and skills on effective teaching skills to the staff of Debre Tabor University, Health Science College through the training organized by Debre Tabor University with technical support of Jhpiego Ethiopia.
5. Certificate of appreciation for best oral presentation on the annual symposium on reproductive health with theme of “Reproductive Health Care Provision amid COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned and the way forward.
6. Certificate of recognition for my contribution to research thematic area development from 22/07/2015 to 04/08/2015.
7. Certificate of recognition for my contribution in reviewing more than ten abstracts on the continuum of maternity care, adolescent and youth reproductive health, quality midwifery education, quality of MNH care, and Impact of COVID-19 on RMNCAH for the 30th General Assembly research conference, March 18, 2022.
8. Certificate of recognition for my professional contribution to the “MPH Thesis Défense in School of Public Health” as an external examiner organized by Bahir Dar University, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, School of Public Health, on April 14-16, 2022.